Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday morning ...

Sunday morning is good to me. For me, it is both the opportunity for the big goal I have been shooting for in the previous week which is regardless of what happens to sense the always-present God. And, ultimately at its best, such is the purpose of worship -- to be hoping for and challenged by the presence of God.

And at the same time Sunday morning is the beginning of the next week in which I am reminded that all of the work I do in the coming week is to be a daily part of worshiping God. Such includes my time alone in the early morning hours, daily reading the Scriptures, pondering which works of my calling from God to schedule in today, which to delegate, which to leave out, and when I can only do so much today who will I see, phone, email, text-message, and write.

Life for me is worship. If you are like me every moment doesn't feel like worship but nevertheless so it is to be worship -- freely responding to the love of God.

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