Friday, September 26, 2008

Things just seem to work out....

Last week we were on vacation and for the first time I brought my golf clubs with me. The intent was to play golf early for a couple of mornings. The first day went fine. The second day on the golf course was, let's say, different.

The scene was hole seven on a golf course in Gulf Shores, Alabama. My drive sliced off the the right between two groups of trees. I stepped out of the cart and my right foot went into a hole in the ground. Although I didn't know it at the time, my right fibula had broken right at its very bottom.

But things still worked out. I had rented a cart to take less family time when I usually walk while golfing alone. And once I drove the cart to the clubhouse, an employee helped me into the car. On a humorous side, the medical doctor in an emergency clinic had an obvious Irish accent and we wonder if we may be distant kin for our families went to Ireland from France at about the same time as he said "to fight against King Billy". And the orthopedic doctor I saw in Nashville yesterday said, 'Surgery is not necessary'.

My family and church has been loving and caring during this. And even though I cannot walk and golf, the crutches are giving me a different form of exercise so God is still at work for me.

Did God want me to fall? Of course not. But God was in the midst of it all. And from my own experience of small and large tragedies (such as the death of family and friends) God is always near even in those times I do not sense his presence.

If you have one small thing troubling you (as I do), it troubles God. And whether what is troubling you is small or gigantic God is as near as your breath. Just talk to him. Voice out where you are for the moment and God will listen. And if need be find a friend who listens well for there are times when God listens through them as well. Well, thanks for listening.

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