Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9-11

When it occurred the choir director and I were on the way to a worship workshop in Lake Junaluska, North Carolina. Just as we had crossed into Carolina his phone rang. It was his wife calling him to let him know what had just occurred ... the first plane had crashed into the tower. After his conversation, we immediately turned on the radio to a station reporting the news. We listened and commented all the way to our destination.

Together, we made a choice not to immediately return home but to stay for our 2-3 day workshop on worship. We phoned home and the doors of the church would be opened for prayer and when we returned the worship was shaped around facing the tragedy. Even in the midst of tragedy we are still called to focus upon God, neighbor, enemy, and self. For us, those two days focused upon God and our plans in God's called upon response to the tragedy.

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