Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hang in there ...

Have you ever seen people who were down right fussy?

Some are fussy when they are awakening, others are fussy when hungry, or when tired. Others are fussy when they have seen a rough day at work. Job was definitely fussy, but he had good reasons. Indeed, he is willing to have a boxing match with him on one side and God on the other. It is OK to be angry with God. There are numerous Scripture lessons that demonstrate this. Among them are Job 13. What follows are verses one through three and fifteen:

‘Look, my eye has seen all this,
my ear has heard and understood it.
What you know, I also know;
I am not inferior to you.
But I would speak to the Almighty,
and I desire to argue my case with God ...
See, he will kill me; I have no hope;
but I will defend my ways to his face.

Can you imagine Job shaking his fist in God's face? I can. And if you need to I dare you to do so as well. God loves even those angry with God.
Hang in there. Let us sit with Job for while longer.

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