Thursday, June 4, 2009


Scripture is our primary source of God speaking. So to be as familiar as possible with Scripture is to important to recognizing God's voice in daily life.

Early this week I was further detailing the sermon plans for this summer when our secretary mentioned a book she had read on leadership that used the biblical character of Joseph as a model of leadership. With Joseph as the biblical character in this Summer's sermons that comment helped. So the book has been checked out for me and I have skimmed it. It is entitled Leading from the Second Chair: Serving Your Church, Fulfilling Your Role, and Realizing Your Dreams by Mike Bonem and Roger Patterson. It was very helpful in understanding where Joseph was as a second chair leader under the Pharaoh in Egypt. And it has given me some further insight as a second chair leader with our bishop as the primary one.

Special thanks to our secretary for her advice.

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