Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Mission, Vision, Visionpath

"Lead me, O LORD, in your rightesousness"
(Psalm 5:8a)

My plans are this week to take the time to shape my own personal and relational 2009 Vision and Visionpath. I began this process in the final quarter of 2008 but, in my own words, it was a 'wild and crazy' quarter packed full of year-end work.

I will begin with what I consider the mission of my life. Honestly, that comes basically from imitating Jesus whose lifestyle is often summarized as teacher, preacher and healer. He taught the 'how-to's" of following God, preached of God's rule, and was a way that God the Father brought all types of healing (physical, emotional, social, relational, spiritual, etc).

Such is my Mission as well: To teach by word and deed ways to follow Jesus, to preach the rule of God, and to be a means of God's healing grace, or mercy.

My overall lifetime Vision is: “Walking with the Lord every day, I will seek to win people over to him, and to teach them how to follow Jesus and win people over to him as well,” so this is still in effect in 2009. In short my personal Vision is "Walk with the Lord every day".

So in the coming days I will, definitely with the help of God the Spirit, be envisioning the 2009 Visionpath that are the ways I will work, in cooperation with God, to make my vision a reality.

And because I believe that God may also speak through God's people my Vision and Visionpath will be presented to the Staff-Parish Relations Commitee (which is the overseeing group of staff in a local United Methodist Church), and our District Superintendent who is our representative of our bishop who discerns where God is sending us.

OK, what are your plans in following God for 2009?

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