Friday, January 16, 2009

The Word of God

In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
John 1:1

This past Sunday I was walking down the hallway overhearing lessons and conversations in our Sunday School classes. The conversations were pulling from Scripture lessons, reflections on life, teachers raising questions for discussion, as well as how people were considering how the written word has been, or should be, shaping their lives. In the midst of it all I heard laughter, talk of how God reaches out to all people, and in the distance I heard music being sung. For me all of this can represent valid ways to respond to the word of God.

In my own experience I look for various ways from which God may well speak to me. The primary way I believe God speaks to me is as the Spirit of God speaks in, through and around Scripture that is known as "the written word of God". For me, God's voice is in or around that written word that if I allow it, God will shape me by helping to mold my own decisions and actions.

As I write these words I am hearing the copying machine across the hall, and so my prayer is: "God by your grace and mercy, may I be a living copy of your word."

And my prayer will be that you will be the living copy of God's message of love today.

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