Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Evangelistic Love of God and Neighbor

I just finished reading a book with that title by Scott Jones. Now as his extensive bibliography shows he does explore evangelism in biblical and theological ways. Yet his title keeps it simple evangelism as loving God and neighbor.

As he defines it, evangelism is "that set of loving, intentional activities governed by the goal of initiating persons into Christian discipleship in response to the reign of God" (p. 114).

For my years as a pastor that is so true for you don't start by telling a person of the love of Jesus. Instead, you start by treating people as if they were your best friends. Listening, walking with them, helping them, having meals with them, becoming their friend. And as they are opening well to you you tell them of how the LORD Jesus has been of help to you. Such opens the door to lead them into a life of following Christ.

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