Monday, March 23, 2009

Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.
Anyone who claims to know something does not yet have the necessary knowledge;
but anyone who loves God is known by him.
(1 Corinthians 8:1b-3)

All animals can learn in one way or another. I saw this in how the good behavior of the inside dog of my son and his family. Our daughter in law told us that in the "dog world" the leader goes first. We heard this statement when as we were walking inside their house, my wife was trying to coerce the dog to enter first. The dog refused to do so. He had been trained to follow. In the dog world, leaders lead and followers follow so their dog has been lovingly taught to follow.

I suppose virtually all animals can learn but reasoning is the exceptional part of the human race. United Methodist recognize that in what we call the "quadrilateral" which is made up of Scripture, Tradition, Experience and Reason. We believe this:
  • Scripture is the primary way that God teaches us, but in order to do so he also uses,
  • tradition (what we have learned from God over the centuries as the human family);
  • experience (of God in the midst of the daily life of both an individual and a community); and,
  • reason (how our thoughts and actions are to be shaped in order to improve our following of God).

And, like Paul, we recognize that what we are taught is less knowledge than it is on how to have a higher quality love for God, neighbor, enemy, and self.

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