Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A second assignment ...

"I can do it all for the sake of the gospel, so that I may share in its blessings."
(1 Corinthians 9:23)

Daniel Goldman in his research discovered that even though some individuals would have exceptionally high IQ scores they still may not be able to relate well with other people. He called these necessary relational qualities Emotional Intelligence (EI) which became the title of his first book.

I had been told by a few leaders I respected that having one's emotional intelligence measured could add to one's quality of leadership. In response I went to a workshop on EI at Louisville Seminary in Kentucky on July 21-25, 2008. As preparation for the class persons selected from the groups of managers, peers, laypersons, family, and others evaluated my EI. From their evaluations, my major EI strengths are in the areas of social responsibility, empathy, self-actualization, problem-solving, and optimism and a low spot is in the area of independence. And because I focus upon using my strengths, I use them to work upon this one area of weakness.

I would recommend an emotional intelligence evaluation (also known as an EQ-360) for those who want to walk toward serving God in a higher quality.

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