Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wrestling with communication ...

Some of the puzzles are amazing to me. One is Rubiks Cube. It is made of a cube with different colored squares, nine on each side, with the challenge to get all the ones of the same color on the same side. I was eating breakfast at Steak and Shake this week when the waitress there worked through the Rubiks Cube puzzle using her algorithm to solve it as I had set it up. As I watched her aligning the colors I noticed just two of the solution patterns.

There are times when just living out the day is a like me playing Rubiks Cube. That is, I may know some but not all of the necessary patterns of the solutions that are needed. My belief is that realistically there is no one human being outside of Jesus that has all the answers for none of us know all the patterns or rhythms needed for the answers.

I am willing enough to admit such. For me, the best leaders do so. It has become a puzzle for me in what are the best ways to bring people into a love-relationship with God, neighbor, enemy and self. A good part of it is because of the rapid ways that communication have been changing. As an example, I have moved from just house to house visits to adding phone calls, postage mail, emails, text messages and the use of blogsites and local church websites to help make people more aware of Jesus Christ. Fortunately and unfortunately, all of this is necessary in today's world. And because the world is constantly changing more rapidly every year I am expecting that challenges to communicating well will continue to escalate.

I am seeking to become more and more open to the necessary changes for myself in today's world. My ears are open.

Any suggestions, particularly from those who do not attend church,
about effective ways to communicate?

See you tomorrow.

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