Sunday, November 23, 2008


Scripture: They replied, "We have nothing here but five loaves and two fish". And Jesus said, "Bring them here to me". (Matthew 14:17-18)

Observation: This scene has another similar story in Matthew (15:32-39). Both stress a common theme -- Jesus receives our gifts that are far too little for his work through us and multiplies them to complete his work in, through, and, if necessary, around us. And both have a common situation -- Jesus takes insufficient gifts of food and feeds thousands with them.

Application: Imagine Jesus multiplying your individual and community gifts for his work. With this multiplication possible, what is now your dreams for a three-year future? And considering what Jesus has given you, what can you do now to make that future more of a reality?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, multiply my (our) gifts solely for your work in, through, and around me (us).

Yield: More toward delegation.

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