Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Abiding in Jesus

Abide in me as I abide in you.
Just as the branch cannot bear fruit by itself unless it abides in the vine,
neither can you unless you abide in me.
(John 15:4)

These are the words of Jesus as an adult so while we are preparing to celebrate his birth I am wondering what it means to abide in a newborn baby. For me, such means admitting that we depend on those who care for us. For the infant, that provided care keeps one warm, feeds one, listens, rocks, sings to, talks with, and, of course, changes the diaper. Such was Jesus as an infant.

In John 15:1-11 Jesus tells this story of how a branch cannot survive without the vine to which it is attached. So as I am considering the baby Jesus I am also considering we who are adults. My own experience says that we as adults cannot survive in a healthy way the pros and cons of life without daily abiding in Jesus.

The word for abide here can mean "to remain in" as well as "to wait for". So for me to abide in Jesus is both to remain in and to wait for him. Such is the calling of the Advent (the Christian season before Christmas) and Christmas that celebrates his birth.

My prayer is that you and I will daily remain in and wait for Jesus.

You are invited to be our guest.
Our Christmas Eve Service
will be at 11:00 PM.
Arlington United Methodist Church
1360 Murfreesboro Road
Nashville, TN

(between Briley Parkway and the airport runway
that crosses Murfreesboro Road)

(615) 361-4896

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