Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Listen! I am standing at the door, knocking;
if you hear my voice and open the door,
I will come in to you and eat with you, and you with me.
Revelation 3:20

These are words that are often attributed to Jesus and with that in mind my own memory goes to a painting of that scene in which Jesus is standing and knocking at an exterior door that has no exterior handle. This painter emphasized the words "if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in ...". What is believed is that Jesus does not force his way into any one's life. Rather, he leaves us the free choice of "opening the door" to a relationship of loving and following him who loved us so much he died for us. And then the power of God raised him from death to life everlasting. He fully demonstrated love for God, neighbor, enemy and self; and then asked us to do so as well.

My own experience is I must constantly work on opening, or keeping the door open, to Jesus every moment of the day. It is too easy to close! The wind of busyness can pull it shut. The stops I put under it such as daily devotional time in God's written word can allow it to slide shut when I am not allowing God's word to fully shape all my decisions. When I become too self-centered my eyes may drift away from the door through which Christ may enter. Well, you know what I mean. So for me the issue is not as much opening the door but finding the doorstop to keep it open.

My experience is the only doorstop that keeps my door of life open is Jesus, God's Son, who opened it through his birth, life, death and resurrection. And the Spirit of God who was sent to live in me, and every person; to tender our natural conscience to the point that little, itty-bitty, sins bother us. For me, the more those tiny sins bother me the closer I believe I am to sitting at the table with Jesus.

Jesus came at Christmas. He still comes, now and then, each day. May we all be attentive to the time(s) when Jesus stands at our door today.

New Year's Eve Worship
6:30 PM
arlingtonum.org for further information

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