Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The hour of prayer

For my own prayer time each day I have discovered from experience that the best time for me is first thing in the morning. With me, that is also true for 'heavier' study time. By heavier I mean more pages per hour or more intellectually in depth work.

Such is not true for everyone. There are some who have discovered that late morning, early afternoon or evening hours work best for study. And that's OK, and as a matter of fact, historically the church has recognized that. For example, there is one method that encourages six hours of prayer each day: morning, mid-morning, mid-day, mid-afternoon, early evening, and late evening. That way you will sure be praying at one of your best times!

A biblical example of such is in Acts 3:1 --"One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, at three o'clock in the afternoon".

The point is this: If you are not sure of it yet, experiment to find the best time of day for your prayer time.

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